Restore balance, move freely, and stand tall with confidence.

We provide comprehensive, non-surgical solutions for scoliosis and posture issues using our unique 3D Balance Management approach. Whether you’re dealing with mild or severe scoliosis, or pain due to postural dysfunction, we focus on improving alignment, relieving pain, and preventing the progression of spinal curvature.


We strongly believe that surgery isn’t a necessary treatment for all scoliosis cases, and it shouldn’t be the first option when addressing postural issues. At BalanceCore, our approach focuses on non-invasive treatments that correct imbalances and realign the spine and body naturally. With the right guidance and personalised care, most posture-related problems can be effectively treated, allowing you to regain mobility and live without discomfort.

A Speciality in Scoliosis Treatment

At BalanceCore, our approach to pain management is unique. Here’s how our cornerstone philosophies shape our treatments:

  • Surgery isn’t the first solution for scoliosis. We focus on non-invasive treatments using manual therapy, targeted exercises, and postural adjustments to realign the spine and reduce pain.

  • Our unique 3D Balance Scoliosis Management identifies the full range of spinal deviations in three dimensions. By addressing these deviations holistically, we help improve mobility, reduce discomfort, and prevent further curvature.

  • Each patient’s progress is closely monitored with advanced tools like a scoliosis meter and posture analysis grid. This ensures that treatments are adapted to individual needs and provide effective, long-lasting results.


Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis is a complex condition that causes the spine to curve sideways, often leading to pain, limited mobility, and muscle imbalances. At BalanceCore, we address scoliosis holistically by identifying the 3-dimensional deviations in the spine and correcting them through manual therapy, specific exercises, and postural adjustments. Our physiotherapists closely monitor progress using tools like a scoliosis meter and posture analysis grid, ensuring your treatment is on track.

Posture Correction

Poor posture, whether due to lifestyle habits, work conditions, or physical imbalances, can lead to chronic pain in the neck, back, shoulders, and hips. Our experts provide targeted treatments designed to realign the body, correct postural imbalances, and improve your overall health. Through manual adjustments, movement retraining, and strengthening exercises, we work to restore your natural posture and prevent further complications.

Functional Movement Rehabilitation

We specialise in helping patients retrain their bodies for efficient movement patterns. By improving functional mobility, we reduce pain and help prevent further injuries, enhancing overall body performance for daily activities and sports.

Up to 40% of adolescents with scoliosis go undiagnosed until their condition worsens, with poor posture often mistaken for normal growth issues.

Common Postural Issues We Treat

Postural issues can develop from poor daily habits, prolonged sitting, or improper body mechanics, often leading to discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility. At BalanceCore, we specialise in identifying and treating common postural problems that affect the spine, neck, shoulders, and hips. Addressing these issues early can prevent long-term pain and improve your overall quality of life. Here are some of the most common postural issues we treat:​

  • Many individuals suffer from postural issues that are misdiagnosed or overlooked. Our detailed postural assessments help identify underlying problems that may go unnoticed in routine evaluations, allowing us to tailor effective treatment plans.

  • Often caused by prolonged computer or phone use, this condition occurs when the head juts forward, placing strain on the neck and upper back muscles. Left untreated, it can lead to chronic pain and muscle tension.

  • Commonly a result of poor sitting habits, rounded shoulders occur when the shoulders slouch forward, contributing to neck, back, and shoulder pain. We focus on exercises and adjustments to open up the chest and realign the upper body.

  • Kyphosis is the excessive curvature of the upper spine, often seen in individuals with desk jobs or those who slouch. This condition can lead to discomfort and a hunched appearance, impacting both mobility and self-confidence.

  • An imbalance in the pelvic alignment can lead to lower back pain, hip discomfort, and uneven posture. Corrective exercises help realign the pelvis, reducing pain and improving posture.

  • This condition occurs when the hips are pushed forward, leading to excessive curvature of the lower spine. It often causes lower back pain and affects overall stability. We address swayback by strengthening core muscles and improving hip alignment.

  • Misalignments in the spine can lead to a range of complications, including scoliosis and other structural problems. Our holistic approach targets spinal health to improve alignment, mobility, and reduce pain.

  • Postural issues can impact your breathing patterns, particularly in cases like forward head posture or kyphosis. By correcting posture and realigning the body, we help improve breathing function, enhancing overall well-being.

Harmony, Balance and Power in your body and everyday living.

“Working with Li Feng at BalanceCore has truly changed my life. I’ve been living with scoliosis for years and was struggling with daily pain and limitations. Over the past five years, BalanceCore has helped me strengthen my body, improve my posture, and regain confidence in my movements. Thanks to their personalised care and guidance, I now feel stronger than ever, and I’m able to do things I never thought possible without the need for surgery.”

— Mildred, 17 with diagnosed Scoliosis

Feel the difference for yourself.

 Experience the transformative benefits of the BalanceCore Method and discover how our unique approach can bring lasting relief.